Condition Cube
To be used in an amount of 0.5 to 1 kg per 100 kg live
weight and per day.
Adaptable depending on the variety, the
intensity of effort and the quality of roughage.
Always supplement the concentrate feed with quality roughage.
The horse must always have access to fresh water.
* Always keep the food cool, dry and dark. *
Condition Cube
Condition cube is for horses and ponies that perform normal work.
This pellet contains a lot of fiber and little sugar and starch.
The product has a low energy and protein content, but the necessary vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
Maintenance mix without oats
Easily digestible
Naturally balanced
To be used in an amount of 0.5 to 1 kg per 100 kg live
weight and per day.
Adaptable depending on the variety, the
intensity of effort and the quality of roughage.
Always supplement the concentrate feed with quality roughage.
The horse must always have access to fresh water.
* Always keep the food cool, dry and dark. *