Starting Cube
To be fed at a rate of 0.5 to 1 kg per 100 kg of body weight per day.
To be adjusted depending on the breed and the quality of the
roughage. The feed must be supplemented with quality, freechoice roughage. The horse must always have access to clean and fresh water
Starting Cube
From 3 weeks up to weaning
High-quality proteins
For an optimal start
This pellet is designed for rapid foal growth. It is composed of raw
materials with a high biological value, including dairy products. By
adding the OS complex, the risk of OCD

To be fed at a rate of 0.5 to 1 kg per 100 kg of body weight per day.
To be adjusted depending on the breed and the quality of the
roughage. The feed must be supplemented with quality, freechoice roughage. The horse must always have access to clean and fresh water